Sunday, February 21, 2010

Soap and such

The day at Afton Station was both good and bad. The good parts: Ron M. came with me, friend Josh Bowen from Fayetteville, AR stopped by and stayed for most of the day, and Betty, whom I haven't seen for a week, was able to stop by for a while. The bad parts: Cold rain falling all day and only three legitimate visitors. They were from Eucha, OK and came specifically to see the '58 Packard Hawk. The gentleman used to have one, and since they're very rare he came to see ours. I'm not saying that their visit was a bad thing. It was great to have them. It's just that we all would have enjoyed seeing more people on the road today.

Josh, who has visited several times before, brought four bars of the soap that his wife makes. They smell absolutely divine and are beautifully crafted and packaged. Today he brought Lavender, Orange-Clove, Pomegranate, and a cute Honey scented bar impressed with little bees. I have asked her to create some Route 66 soap that I can sell at Afton Station. Her soaps are truly well-crafted, made with natural ingredients, and are, well, just really neat.

Josh is about as much of a wanderer I am. It's good to know someone else who would rather be behind the wheel of his car than anywhere else. His visits to Afton Station are always welcomed.

Ron M. brought me a container of the chicken and noodles he made last night, so I'm off to enjoy it now.... and to watch the Olympics, of course.


  1. Route 66 soap sounds like a great idea. Enjoy the Olympics.

  2. OMG ... where did she get the soap mold with the little bees on it? That's adorable!

  3. Emily. . . You'll be happy to know that I'm saving that bee soap for you. The minute I saw it, I told Josh that I had a friend that would love it. If you are interested in the mold, I'll ask him to ask his wife, or maybe you could contact her through her website.

  4. Eeeeee! Bees! Thank you! Next time I see you, I'll bring you a little jar of honey for Josh to take to his wife.
