Saturday, February 13, 2010

Short, Sweet, and Unphotographed

I'm short on time tonight, and not much happened at Afton Station today anyway, so it'll only take you a few minutes to read this and then you can go back to watching the Olympics. (Wasn't last night's opening ceremony great!)

Thank goodness both Betty and Tattoo were there today to keep me company, because we were pretty short on drop-in visitors again. Early in the day, a trucker from Seymour, Indiana stopped and was dazzled by the '58 Packard (which looks like a Studebaker). Later in the day, a couple from Chillicothe, Missouri heading for Dallas stopped for a while. And that's all, folks! I do hope tomorrow will be better. I'm not sure if people roam the roads on Valentine's Day or stay home and cuddle with their honeys. I guess we'll find out!

The good news of the day is that my badge maker probably isn't broken after all. I complained to the company and they sent me new button parts. Now it seems to work fine, so I guess the problem was in the parts and not the machine itself. I'm sure you're all thrilled to hear this. (Ha ha!)

Ok, I'm done for today.


  1. Seymour, Indiana: home of John Mellencamp. :)

    I'm enjoying the Olympics very much! I thought they did a great job with the opening ceremonies, despite some technical difficulties.

  2. I didn't realize Mellencamp was from Seymour, but I knew he was close to Bloomington because my daughter got to know him a little when he was an occasional customer at the Barnes and Noble she was managing there.

  3. You are so dedicated to your blog to take an Olympics break and update your happenings. When the Route66GoatGas project comes to your museum we plan on doubling your average attendance. It will be so fun to stop by to see you.
