Friday, February 26, 2010

Possibly the greatest bargain of all time!

Yesterday, while waiting for visitors to Afton Station who never came, we were thumbing through some reading matter that had been left there. In a magazine called Details, there was an article about the current popularity of necklaces for men. There was a picture of some of these necklaces, and they ranged in price from $1,385 for a Gucci number to $100 for a safety pin on a chain. Ok, we said, we can do better than this. Why shouldn't a humble Route 66 tourist trap inside of an old gas station enter the world of men's fashions? We can DO this!

We drilled holes in some of our nice shiny pressed pennies, found some sturdy and semi-decorative cord and VOILA! The first and only official Route 66 Afton Station Squashed Penny Necklace for Men! (And for women too, incidentally.)

So why spend a ton of money on a bauble? You, too, can feel comfortable in the world of the metrosexual with one of these beauties.... and at the rock bottom bargain price of $1.50 per necklace! [However, if the demand for these necklaces begins to cause a traffic jam in Afton, we ask that you park on the edge of town, walk in, and please form a line courteously at the door.]

(This is, of course, tongue in cheek. However, I will have the squashed penny necklaces for sale to visitors at Afton Station this season. They're actually kind of neat.)


  1. Well, I'd say you had better get to pressing and drilling tomorrow. If your blog becomes VIRAL, and those metrosexuals see the necklaces, you may be swamped with orders. I'd say, too, that QVC will be knocking at your door.

  2. If you decide to do mail order, I recommend $1.50 for the necklace and $11.50 for shipping :o)
