Sunday, January 31, 2010

I NEED Spring!

I was reading through some of my blog entries from this time last year. Things were moving along beautifully at Afton Station, with quite a few winter visitors and decent traveling weather, for the most part. Not so this year, because the weather has been prohibitive for travel. On top of the ice, sleet, and snow, this morning we're having something called "frozen fog". It looks like ultra-fine snowflakes to me, but I'm willing to go along with the frozen fog label. It's not pretty. Just make it go away!

I've got to admit to something that you probably already know if you're a regular reader of this blog. That is, I have an incurable, serious case of wanderlust. Being cooped up in my house for more than a short time drives me right up one wall and down the other. I'm getting to that point. I want to jump in the car and D-R-I-V-E !! I want to drive to Afton Station, throw open the doors, feel the warm breezes, pull a chair outside and wait for a long line of visitors from all over the globe. And I will. Soon. But not today.

I'll be trying for Tuesday. I'll see you there.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you ! Bring on spring ...I"m stuck at home looking out of the window at snow and ice waiting to see the asphalt again.
