Saturday, December 5, 2009

For your viewing pleasure. . . (I hope!)

I looked back at my records for the 2 1/2 years I've been keeping records at Afton Station, and this was only the third day in all that time that we were open a full day and had no (ZERO) visitors. I can't say that I blame people. It was cold, in the low 20s this morning, and only warmed up to the low 40s this afternoon. But it was a sunny day and I'm a bit disappointed that no road warriors were out battling the cold.

On the other hand, the time went very quickly because Ron M. and I worked all day, non-stop, to finish the video I've been talking about for months. It's far from perfect, but it was my first effort, and I couldn't have done it without Ron's technical help. Kudos to Betty too, who was able to find some of the "before" photos for me. We just about went nuts trying to insert the right transitions between pictures, and some of them still aren't quite right, but it'll have to do for now.

So now, for your viewing pleasure. . . AFTON -- THEN AND NOW, the somewhat sad tale of a small town bypassed by Route 66. (It looks much better if you view it on Full Screen.)


  1. Lovely film

  2. Y'all did a great job Laurel...thankfully my little hometown here in NC is alive and well. Merry Christmas to you way over there in OK!

  3. HI Laurel,
    very nice indeed!
    CU in 2011,
    Dries & Marion

  4. Outstanding job. It got me just like that part on "Cars."

    Hopefully, your example will help lead your town back to where it was.

  5. Wonderful, Laurel, just wonderful.

  6. Very well done. The before and after stuff really gets me.
