Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morn

From my front porch this morning

I said I wouldn't be writing today, Christmas morning, but here I am. Plans change. Snow falls. And keeps falling. But that was last night. All plans cancelled. "Stay indoors. Do not drive unless you absolutely have to." To all who were wishing for a white Christmas, I hope you're happy. The gathering I was supposed to attend was cancelled. Tulsa received 5 1/2 inches of snow, and Oklahoma City got 14", an all-time record. I stayed home alone, watched "A Christmas Story", one of my favorite movies, and went to bed early. Lonely? Yes.

This morning, snow is everywhere, but I just saw the sunrise. Sun! Yes! I don't see much chance of all this drifted snow clearing enough from the roads by afternoon to allow anyone to come to my Open House. I've already had almost all cancellations, but there are a few I haven't heard from so I'm still in party mode. If nobody shows up, I'll have enough food to feed twenty for a month. I'm not optimistic.

Route 66ers in Oklahoma -- this is one day when I DON'T recommend you take a road trip. Road conditions are very, very poor.

I probably sound a bit grinchier than I really feel. When I settle down, take a deep breath, and remember all those who have no homes, who are having Christmas dinner at a shelter, who are friendless, who are lonely in nursing homes, who have lost a loved one recently, I'm nothing but extremely blessed. The sun is emerging and reflecting off the buildings of the Tulsa I love so much. In essence, all's well with the world.
I'll be back with some photos later, and with a further report on this unusual Christmas Day.
Later: Here's my table, without food. Will anyone show up? Who will use all those 24 paper plates and all those teriyaki stabbers? LOL!
The fridge is loaded. Beer and wine cooled. What more could one want?


  1. I just had a feeling down inside, that you would write today and I was anxious to see what it was. I see a few cars pass by. The Mr. of the house is blading the driveway with his tractor. I'm sure he is the one who asked for snow..... All Christmas blow-ups in the yard are covered. I am inside and warm and counting my blessings, one of which is that I have found a new friend in you. Merry Christmas.

  2. Hope your afternoon is filled with the cheer of a few friends. Sorry that last night and this morning are a bust. Merry Christmas to you and know we are here and care :o)

  3. Thanks, Betty and Ken. I found someone to plow my driveway, so I'm not spending the whole day worrying about getting out for dialysis in the morning. But I've cancelled my party, or at least postponed it until New Years Day. I just couldn't subject my friends to feeling they needed to drive in this mess. Since my daughter gave me the Julia Child French Chef series on TV, I have plenty to keep me occupied while alone on this Christmas day. My best to both of you!
