Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Visitors = 0

I was pretty sure, even before I got to Afton, that this would be a boring day. Ron M. is home from his trip but is sick so he couldn’t be here today. Nobody but perhaps penguins should be out on a dismal day like today -- cold, wet, and dark. David is here working in the back, so I at least I have a human being to talk to intermittently. A man just pulled up in front and took about a dozen pictures from his car window, but he didn’t come in.

This is the time of year when I’m at odds with myself about Afton Station. Is it worth the long drive to come up here and have few or no visitors? On the other hand, if I close, will I feel guilty about not being here? I just don’t know. I certainly have enough pre-holiday things to do to keep me busy at home. And what would I do about my blog? It, too, could become boring over these long winter dry spells, but I don’t want to quit. Blogging has been such a good fit for me -- exactly what I feel I’m meant to do. Dilemma, dilemma!

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a lady named Betty Baumann from Jay, OK, who was going to bring me samples of her hand crafted Route 66 items to see if I’d like to sell them here at the Station. She arrived this morning with her truck filled with a treasure trove of goodies. She brightened my otherwise dull day by her visit, plus she is quite the amazing craftsperson! I couldn’t resist taking a whole rack of her items to sell here. Very exciting! I even bought a cool purse/tote bag for myself from her stock. I love the Route 66 fabric she used because it's not as colorful and overwhelming as most of the other fabric I've seen. The workmanship is extraordinary.Here's the tote bag.

I stuck it out until almost the bitter end, despite total lack of travelers. Betty Baumann's visit made the day worthwhile, however. Winter is here, folks. Get used to it. :-(


  1. Hey Laurel - can you send me a close up of the apron
    and what is that behind hte apron - looks like number plates ???

    I finally put all my souvieners away from my trip - so I might need some more things LOL

  2. Ecclesiastes 3
    1 There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under heaven:

    I don't like winter either.I like spring, summer, and fall. But, I don't like the cold.
    Oh well.
    I's a good time to give the station a good cleaning. Maybe make some repairs and improvements.
    Maybe you can write a book.

  3. Is that the same lady who sells some of her work at Four Women on the Route? The style looks very similar, but I can't make out the tag.

  4. Yes, Emily. She came to me because 4 Women closes up in the winter. We're going to see how it goes at Afton Station, although I don't have many visitors during the winter.

    Kathryn - I'll take some photos when I go to Afton tomorrow. The number plate you saw is a plate cut in half and used as the front and back of a little notebook.

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