Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spaced out

The space heater is my friend. It kept me warm today at Afton Station, another day with no proper heat. The plumber was to arrive this afternoon to get the gas going again, but by the time I left, he hadn't arrived. I left Marly there to deal with it and also to greet anyone who came in after I left at 3 p.m.

The day, considering the ominous, dank, just-plain-crummy atmosphere outside, was quite toasty and cheery inside. I didn't really expect many visitors, but I was wrong. David and Marly were there all morning working on something in the back room, Betty stopped in and stayed for a couple of hours, and there were also 8 traveling guests who took refuge in the Station. One couple was from Milwaukee, WI, another couple from Decatur, IN, and then came four folks from Harrison, AR. All of them are launching out on long Route 66 trips, so it reminded me that despite the prematurely unpleasant weather, the travel season is still in (somewhat) full swing.

Short entry and no pictures today. Consider it a vacation from me! :-)

1 comment:

  1. If I want a vacation from you, then I just won't read your blog. If I click on your link, then I want to know what's going on in your world.

    Last week my wife turned on our heater, but it wouldn't come on. The pilot light went out. Took me about an hour to get it re-lit. But, now our house is nice and toasty.

    Frankly, I'm just not ready to put my motorcycle away yet. I need a little more of that global warming stuff.
