Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Busload

Thirty-one folks from the Oklahoma Retired Citizens Travel Club arrived at Afton Station this afternoon via bus. Daughter Sarah was there to help with the crowd control. Tattoo Man had to leave shortly before they arrived, but he helped out for the rest of the day, especially during the noon hour when he took over while David took Sarah and me out to lunch.

Other travelers also stopped in, but I'll talk more about this in future posts. For now, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I do want to say that, thanks to you readers, blog hits reached 25,000 today. Hooray!


  1. 25,001 now.

    It's great that retirement center takes people out cruising. Maybe they should do a Lake Michigan to Santa Monica Pier cruise.

  2. Trevor,
    This group actually DOES take some long trips, even to Europe. I asked if they'd ever thought of a full Route 66 tour, and they thought that was a great idea. Maybe some day!
