Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's not to love?

This is quickly becoming my favorite Route 66 song, and I'm honored and thrilled that The Road Crew from Nashville will be visiting and playing at Afton Station on Sunday. Aren't they great? And aren't the video images great? I hope, hope, HOPE that lots of folks will turn out for their informal concert at Afton Station on Sunday (2 p.m.). It's free. Rain or shine. Popcorn for all. Bring a chair, unless you don't mind standing.

I paid a visit to the popcorn store today. It's one of my favorite places, and it makes our big old clunky vintage popcorn popper worth having. I bought the popcorn for the weekend, which comes in measured portions along with correctly measured popping oil, and and I bought a bunch of little popcorn bags. Oh, and while I was there, picked up a small bag of caramel corn and ate almost all of it before I got home. But hey, it's waaaaay across town, so don't judge me.

I've had two calls already today from people who wanted to tour Afton Station this afternoon, one from Arkansas and one from Indiana. Of course, I'm not there today and since both of them were sitting in front of the Station when they called, I can't possibly drive for 2 hours to get there and let them in. It just about kills me when this happens. I want so much to be there for everyone, as unrealistic as that may seem. Apparently Marly isn't working there today to let them in either. Oh well....


  1. Love the video! Not only are there great shots of the Road, but I saw TWO Mustangs--an old one and a new one! I hope you get a big turnout on Sunday. Mmm, caramel corn...and no, I'm not judging you! :) Hugs, Beth

  2. Love that song!

    *It's having no place to go and all day to get there.
    It's hopping on your motorcycle just to feel the wind in your face.
    It's having the window down, the radio turned up, and the sunshine in your face.
    It's driving to a resturant 100 miles away just to have dinner.
    That ol' 66.*
