Friday, September 25, 2009

Afton Station Video

Here it is! Ron M. did a great job of his first foray into the magic of the Flip Video, don't you think? I was delighted this morning to find that Ron Warnick had already found it and posted it on his popular "Route 66 News" blog. Another look at Afton Station « Route 66 News. I don't mind being scooped by Ron at all!


  1. I don't know if Y'all Tube gives Oscars, Emmys, or what.
    But Ron, and you, should each get one.

    Been a while since I've been to your museum. I need to go back again.

  2. Trevor,
    Ron gets the Oscar. I'm just the set designer.

    Yes, come for a visit soon1

  3. Wow, that looks great! I saw it posted on Ron's site, but I waited to come over here to watch it. :)

    You know what struck me? There was a shot from inside one of the cars, and there were two handles there. It took me a moment to realize that the second one was the handle to roll down the window. It's been a long time since I was in a car with a manual window--probably Shane's '66 Mustang! Fun video!

    Hugs, Beth

  4. Laurel,

    Nice video!

    I've seen a number of great videos about the Mother Road.

    And yes, y'all need to come up with a suitable name for awards.

    Emmy and Oscar and Tony have been taken.

    How about some suggestions for a great name for the Route 66 Video Of The Year?

    "Roadies"? Perhaps.

    "Sixty Sixers"?

    Who knows.

    Pryor, OK
