Sunday, September 13, 2009

Afton Station Trifecta

I haven't been notified officially, but according to Ron Warnick's blog (which is consistently accurate) Route 66 News, Ron McCoy, Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones, and Afton Station won awards at the Will Rogers Award Banquet at the Route 66 Festival in Flagstaff, AZ last night. Ron and Tattoo both won "Person of the Year", and "Afton Station-Laurel Kane" won "Business of the Year"! I'm very thrilled, to say the least. The first time I read through the list of winners, I was so excited by seeing my name that I missed Ron McCoy's completely.

More about this later. Time to hit the road to the "Business of the Year" now. :-)

P.S. -- The "Discover Oklahoma" TV presentation last night was wonderful for Afton Station. They did a great job, and it put the Station in a very favorable light. I sounded pretty good, but as predicted, I looked like a total dork. Oh well.....


  1. Congrats, a labor of love has paid off again :o)

  2. Congratulations!

    I've been to your place. You deserve it!

    Now, wouldn't it be just terrific if that segment on your museum wins an Emmy Award?

  3. Thanks, Ken.

    Trevor - Emmy not terribly likely. The plot and the settings were great, but the acting was pretty bad! LOL!

  4. Laurel, what fantastic news!! I'm so thrilled for you, and I hope this will bring Afton even more visitors. Congratulations, my friend! {{hugs}} Beth

  5. That was no dork. That was my favorite Oklahoma museum owner. Very nice segment and catching the former owner with it.. priceless!
