Friday, June 19, 2009

Volvos and Bagels

Tomorrow is the Oklahoma Route 66 Association Cruise, although this year it's actually two cruises, one beginning in Quapaw on the east end of the state and the other beginning in Texola on the west end, and meeting in the middle in Chandler for a '50s-style sock hop at the Route 66 Interpretive Center there. As much as I'd love to participate, that won't be happening. Afton Station is a passport stop on the cruise (a place where cruisers stop to get a "passport" stamped, with prizes for those who make it to every stop), but I won't even be there for that part of it. Ron M. and I will be going up to Afton in the early morning to greet a group coming through at 8 a.m., then we will leave Afton Station in the able hands of Marly and Ron Jones because we must hurry back to Tulsa so I can get ready to give a Route 66 presentation to the Volvo Owners' Group which is in Tulsa this weekend. The theme of their whole convention is Route 66. I love to give presentations and speeches, although I don't think I'm that good at it. For one thing, I need notes to remember facts and figures. My memory stinks in that department. My style is very casual, but I get energized when I can talk on a subject I'm passionate about, such as Route 66. Wish me luck.

Absolutely non-Route 66 related: A new bagel place has opened in Tulsa, and at last (hallelujah!) real New York bagels are available here! I'm going a bit overboard, I fear. Ron and I went there for lunch today, and I brought some home and plan to have another one for dinner. I bought some smoked salmon, so I'm ready!!! I might even have another one for breakfast. I've missed New York bagels ever since moving to Oklahoma from the NYC area. Oklahoma has alway been one of the most wonderful places in the world. Now, it's perfect!!


  1. A VW Beetle club is cruising up to Chandler today. A man with whom I work is taking his. I took a bundle of Oklahoma Route 66 Tour Guides to work. He got one of them, and is excitedly talking about this cruise. He was reading the rest of the guide and was talking about going to Clinton to visit the museum there.

    It's definately the tourist season.

    Later today, we're going to Chandler to see the cars. I hope I can sweet talk my wife into going. I'd like to get her interested in 66, too.

  2. My gosh...we were *just* talking about Tulsa's lack of good New York bagels, and voila, you got 'em now!!
