Wednesday, June 3, 2009

View from a window

I had completely forgotten about this photo of Afton Station, taken by Ron M. some time ago from the window of the apartment above Bassett's Grocery. It's kind of spooky, don't you think? I love it. That's all for today. I plan to spend the next two hours watching "Revolutionary Road", which just arrived from NetFlix. I've been waiting to see it, since most of it was filmed in my old neighborhood in Connecticut.


  1. It IS spooky! Love the tattered curtains. Makes me wonder just who...or gazing out that window, looking at Afton Station. Ooooooo!

  2. Yikes, I had totally forgotten about that photo. You'd almost expect to see the Bates Motel through the window!

  3. With a little imagination, one can almost see the ghost of Tom Joad driving his Hudson Super Six.
