Thursday, May 7, 2009


After a drive in pea soup fog and a stop at Clanton's for yet another "I'll never do that again because they're too big and too good" omelet (yum!), I arrived at Afton Station early at 8:20, hoping that I'd catch Dries and Marion Bessels, our Dutch friends. They stayed over in Miami last night, so I knew that they'd be early getting here today. Tattoo Man had the same idea and arrived moments later. He waited at the Station all day yesterday, but Dries was delayed by a day so he never arrived. But this morning we were rewarded when shortly after we got there we heard the rumble of a Harley, and Dries and Marion walked in. What nice people! They spoke perfect English so we had a nice long visit.
Tattoo Man showing off his tattoos to Dries and Marion.

Dries liked the 2CV. I think it reminded him of home.

Sometimes I think I'm wearing out the word "nice", but it describes just about 100% of my visitors at Afton Station. Sometimes I wish some mean, nasty people would visit, so that I could drag out a few different adjectives. Alas, my next guests fit right into the "nice" category. Michele from Sandusky OH, her mother, sister, and friend are traveling all of Route 66. Michele called early this week to make sure we'd be there, because her mother's doctor, who is a Packard "nut", specifically asked them to seek out pictures of Packards while they were traveling. I'm pretty sure I have the largest collection of Packards on the Route, so they came to the right place. When they got here, the definitely hit the Mother Lode on the Mother Road. Lots of photos were taken, gifts were exchanged, and Tattoo, Betty, and I got to give autographs, too! That's always embarrassing but fun.Michele is 2nd from left.

The sheriff came in to see if I'd mind if they set up a speed trap in front of the Station. Mind?! Not a bit! We are really bothered by people speeding through town. But at one time there were three sheriff's cars in front of and to the side of the Station, and I started wondering if that would discourage visitors. They left in about an hour, and I don't think they caught anybody.

A gentleman from San Diego was my last visitor. We had a prolonged conversation about restoration and preservation, so of course I tried to sell him the building across the street, to no avail. Nevertheless, he was very.... you guessed it.... nice!

John from San Diego

A big boat just went past! No, it's not THAT wet around here. This one was on a trailer. Today we had 85 degree temperatures and full sun. After 12 straight days of rain, the sunshine has certainly elevated my mood.


  1. Interesting to think about...are those who love the Road inherently nice? Because of a love for tradition, a respect for the past, and an awe for history?

    Maybe we should collaborate on a horror story about someone traveling the road who has no respect for it and is just a mean son of a gun. I kind of like that idea!

    Glad to hear you're feeling good and feeling happy! Sounds like a great day. Hugs, Beth

  2. I kinda hoped to meet Dries as he passed through Edmond. I would have shown him around Oklahoma City.

    Guess what Laurel. I'm not nice! I'm SOOOOO mean, even Adolf Hitler would wonder how I can possibly live with myself! But, then, you probably knew that, since I'm a Conservative Republican!

  3. Trevor,

    I hate to tell you but you are actually very nice. The Conservative Republican thing is just a little flaw. Maybe you'll get over it some day. :-)

  4. Glad yer getting the speed trap. This post reminds of that line from M*A*S*H "It's nice to be nice, to the nice." LOL a word that covers what's not quite perfect, still it's cool. Felt like I was right w/you, very NICE narration!
