Saturday, April 4, 2009


This was one BUSY day at Afton Station. Please accept this abbreviated synopsis, since I must take a shower and leave for a party shortly.

32 visitors today -- and here's the scorecard:

Oklahoma - 15
Sweden - 4
Minnesota - 3
Arkansas - 2
Missouri - 2
Michigan - 2
Ohio - 2
Pennsylvania - 2

The Swedish visitors, who are traversing all of Route 66, arrived as we were leaving, along with three biker ladies from the Sisters in Spirit, so we reopened for all of them. The Missouri visitor was Andrew, an old Route 66 friend on his 17th Route 66 tour, showing his girlfriend the Mother Road for the first time. Then there was a father and son from Philly. Another child, a little girl from Minnesota , posed with Tripper.

An Afton gentleman stopped by with his race car. He's a really nice guy whose wife apparently grew up in Afton and would be willing to help with our search for town history and old photos.
A fellow from Jay, OK has his own old gas station which he's restored to be a little general store and soda fountain. I hope to visit his place soon! Our first visitor of the day was a squashed penny collector from Broken Arrow, OK. She and husband were on their way to Branson, MO where she found they have over 80 squashed penny machines. She's excited, to say the least. The visitor from Michigan has a couple of restored DeSotos.

The sign kept blowing over all day. Ron, who was with me today, documented this situation, since he was the one who kept having to go out and stand it back up. Very windy, although warm and pleasant. If this could be a typical day at Afton Station, I'd be a happy camper. We had a little of everything -- many interesting new friends and not a moment of "down" time.


  1. Wow, what an incredible day for you and for Afton Station! Sounds like things are really picking up--is it usually this busy so early in the season? Great news, and so great to hear about people exploring The Road!

    Hugs, Beth

  2. Would that be Andrew as in Limanni?
