Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Today is one butt-ugly day, weatherwise. My childhood Easter memories of getting all dolled up for church on a beautiful spring day in hat, new outfit, and even a corsage from my daddy are the direct anthesis of my reality today -- 10 a.m., constant drizzle, gray skies, chilly, sitting in an ancient filling station watching a small town crumble before my eyes. But life is nothing if not contrasts. How can we appreciate one thing if we don't know it's opposite?

I like the splash of tires as cars roll past. I love the train whistles -- so regular, so predictable. I don't even mind the intermittent hum of the heater, pumping out a little comfort for me. And I love the silence that falls between these things. I have a big bag of those fat, barely salted pretzels for lunch. I've been craving them for weeks. I have all day to completely ignore responsibilities such as washing the display cabinets, scrubbing the toilet, doing paperwork.

The basket of Hershey's Kisses wrapped in Easter purple is all that's around to remind me of the significance of the day. But it's warm here, and I have a stack of saved Sunday crosswords to keep me occupied. I don't anticipate many, if any, visitors. If they do come, it will be a bonus blessing. Afton is finally starting to feel like home, or at least home away from home. I am, for all intents and purposes, content.
Well, well, well! Four visitors arrived, all at once -- a couple from Enid, OK and one from Kansas City. They seem to be enjoying themselves although this isn't much of a travel day. The man from Enid is a big time car collector and enthusiast and we have some friends in common. He told me that Tulsa is developing a Concours of it's own, and we'll be getting an invitation. Excellent!
It's now 1:30 and the sky is clearing and the rain coming to an end. Perhaps we'll see some sun today after all. I cleaned a little, changed the message on the answering machine, ate pretzels, and did a crossword puzzle. I miss the New York Times Sunday crossword. The ones in the local papers are too easy.

More visitors, this time a carload of Brits. Only three of the six in the big SUV came in, and the rest stayed in the car. The gentleman said they'd had a trying day, having to be pulled out of a deep mud puddle, then getting lost several times in Missouri despite having an EZ66 Guide and several navigators. They're still enjoying America, despite it all.

Finally, Marly came in to say hi and do a little work on the 2CV. He told me to go on home and he'd close for me. Perfect! I got on the road about 15 minutes early, after a day that turned out to be pretty good after all.


  1. Rainy days have their charm.

  2. It's true...being inside and cozy-warm while you look out at the rain can be kind of nice once in a while. But I'm glad it cleared up for you yesterday!

  3. My two children woke up to two baskets of goodies on the table. We got cleaned up, dressed up, and went to Church.
    Back home we just cranked up the heater, my son had autism therapy that afternoon.
    It was a slow day for us, too.

    Luke 24:4-6
    4While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee
