Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I never give up!

Determined to take a decent picture of the Meadow Gold neon, I went back down there a few minutes ago. The results still aren't good, but at least I was rewarded by finally seeing the guys up there working on it. Here 'ya go....I hope all you non-Tulsa people aren't getting sick of seeing this thing! :-)


  1. Yes, I saw Ron's pic, too! No, I'm not getting sick of it, but I might be the wrong person to ask...! I can hardly wait to see it lit up.

    Hugs, Beth

  2. Gorgeous. I'm dying to see the finished product.

  3. I like the latest shot as you can see the entire structure starting at the ground. It really adds to the entire sign.

  4. I NEEEEVER get tired of Route 66 stuff!

    Keep it coming!
