Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pardon my yawn

This was a very UNexciting day at Afton Station. On the other hand, getting there this morning was a matter of lots of laughs and tears for me. Pat, my very dear friend from Connecticut, sent me a set of NPR CDs for my birthday, and I listened to them in the car while driving to Afton. They are a compilation of oral essays, all involving mothers and their relationship with their kids throughout life. (I can't remember the name of the CD set, and I'm too lazy to go to the car and find out). Some are from the perspective of mothers, some from the perspective of daughters and sons. I happen to be one of each -- a mother and a daughter. I laughed. I cried. Of course, my emotions are heightened by the fact that my daughter has just gone home to Chicago. I'm always moved by being reminded that I'm far away from her, but never so acutely as the first few days after her departure. I highly recommend this CD set, and I'll give you the name of it tomorrow.

Otherwise, nothing at all happened at Afton Station in the morning. Tattoo Man was there when I arrived, and we spent the whole morning just waiting for some visitors to show up. Two guys with incredibly overstuffed backpacks (and bedrolls, and front packs) walked by and took some photos, but chose not to come in. I'll bet they never bargained on 19-degree temperatures in Oklahoma! That's what the thermometer read this morning.

Betty arrived after church, and we got a little giddy, no doubt from the absence of anything exciting to do. Tattoo modeled his newest tattoo for Betty, who took the opportunity to give him a little poke in the ribs.
One gentleman finally arrived, but he was just looking for us to buy his '51 Packard. I suggested he call David. Betty and Tattoo left, and I was seriously thinking of closing early and going home, but when some last-minute travelers arrived, I started feeling a lot better about the whole day. Two couples -- one from Flint, TX and one from Sperry, OK -- were out doing a chunk of Route 66 just for fun. Their visit made the day worthwhile, and with the sun shining and the temps beginning to rise, I left Afton Station feeling surprisingly happy about the day.


  1. I'm glad it ended up as a good day!

    Since I stopped working, I haven't been listening to NPR much, but I still love listening to it on road trips. Glad you enjoyed your CDs!

  2. Glad the day ended on an upnote, and hope you enjoyed the drive home.
