Saturday, March 7, 2009

Afton Saturday

Highlights of the day at Afton Station:

It never rained or did anything else, really, despite a nasty-looking sky and very strong winds all day. There were predictions of extreme weather, but it never happened in Afton. Now they're saying it might happen tonight or tomorrow, but who knows.

We had five visitors. One couple from San Angelo, TX spent a lot of money in the squashed penny machine. She's a collector and they travel all over the country to find machines. I think she probably dumped about $25 in the machine, which is a lot when you consider that each squashed penny only costs 50-cents. We also had a visit from a couple from Wagoner, OK and another gentleman from Bartlesville, OK. It was a slow day, I'd say.

Marly came by and we chatted for a while. It's been a few weeks since I've seen him.

In our "free" time, we cut out shields to be used on vintage Mercedes Benz cars when my Mercedes Club mounts a display at the International Auto Show next week. Our theme this year is "Route 66". Yippee! Right up my alley, obviously. This is the second year I've been in charge of decorating the booth.

Ron M. was with me today, and his mission was to TRY to take a decent photo of me to accompany an article about Afton Station that's going to be published in the alumni magazine of my alma mater (Univ. of Kentucky). I DO NOT take good pictures. It's never the fault of the photographer. I'm simply not photogenic. Actually, I'm just not pretty, so being non-photogenic is a given. He took about 20 pictures, and I've narrowed it down to 3 or 4. After I choose one and Photoshop the hell out of it (LOL!), I might post it here. Not tonight, however.

Well, I'll be heading back to Afton tomorrow, after losing an hour of sleep. Just what I don't need. Guess I'll sign off now, adjust all the clocks, and head for an early bedtime.


  1. How cool that you're going to be in your alumni magazine! I hope you DO post one of the pictures up here. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the response. :)

    Hugs, Beth

  2. Think you are being over critical. I am sure the pictures are great and will look great in the publication.

    Sleep well (very early though if you ask me :o)

  3. Wow! I collect smashed pennies, but I always smash one of each design available and call that good! I wonder what on earth she does with $25 of smashed pennies!!??!!

  4. Kara, She said she smashes them for friends as well as herself. I have four designs, so I guess she has a lot of friends!
