Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super (Bowl) Day at Afton Station

I'm back from Afton and am watching the start of the Super Bowl. I'm not a football fan, so I'll do other things during the actual game, but I do love to check out the new, expensive ads. And I HAVE to see Bruce!!!!

Although I had a good day at Afton Station with seven visitors, I don't really have much to say, nor do I have photos to document anything. The most interesting couple to arrive today were clearly having a knock-down-drag-out fight before coming in. They were from Kansas City, near the end of a long trip from California. He came in first and made a comment, something about his wife yelling at him in the car. He signed the guest book and then went in the back to see the cars. She waited until he had been inside for about 10 minutes before she came in. She walked right to the Guest Book and crossed out her husband's first name and put hers in instead. Very strange. When he came out from the showroom, they didn't speak at all. Both bought several items (each with their separate cash), and left. Must have been some battle! LOL! He's planning a trip across Route 66 on his Harley this summer ... solo. That's probably for the best.

Otherwise, we had another couple (who DID seem to like one another), and coincidentally they were traveling in the opposite direction from the first couple, having left Kansas City on their way to California. They didn't even realize they were on Route 66, but when I told them of it's charms, they bought a guidebook and decided to follow it as much as they could. Score!

The final visitors were a family of three who lived locally and were out for a Sunday drive.

The best part of the day happened when Betty arrived. It was so good to see her out and about. She's looking much better and feeling a bit better, too. It's encouraging to see her doing some driving her car with only one available eye. That really made my day!

And that's about it for today...

They just finished the National Anthem. All that pomp and patriotism can still bring a little tear to my eye.


  1. They definitely did a good job on the pre-game and the half time. Only in America.

  2. Yeah, I was choked up before the game even started!

    Wow, on that first couple. She crossed his name out?! Whew, I don't think I'd like to be a little mouse in that car, hearing what went on...!

    Surprising that the other couple didn't know they were on 66! I hope you made another convert! :)

    Hugs, Beth
