Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President of the United States

I'm a big nerd. I tend to take photos of my TV screen on important occasions. I spent nearly the entire duration of Desert Storm taking pictures of newspersons with bombs going off behind them. I photographed my TV screen after 9-11. If I'd been old enough to have developed into the perfect nerd by then, I'm sure I would have spent days photographing TV news coverage of the JFK assasination. Today, I took about 30 grainy and blurry photos of President Barack Obama's inauguration. I like this one the best. He's waiting in the hall just before heading out to the balcony. On one hand, he looks like he's trying to surpress a smile. On the other hand, his obvious (and perhaps painful) awareness of the burdens that are about to be unloaded on his shoulders can be seen in his eyes.

I need to get a better TV and spend more time learning how to use my camera before the next national event occurs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laurel...from one geek to another, your best bet for clear images would be to have recorded it to DVD. Then, open the DVD on your computer and make a screen capture!
