Saturday, January 31, 2009
On the trail of the dead chickens
Thursday, January 29, 2009
How I spent my '50s summer vacation

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Decorating Disasters or Gorgeous Nostalgia?
The first album I extracted from the shelf is my Fifties Interiors collection, which consists mainly of old postcards of motel rooms from the 50s and very early 60s, a time I call the "Age of Orange and Turquoise". Whether you consider them actual decorating disasters or simply examples of the changes in decorating styles in the past 50+ years, these images are pretty jolting to the old eyeballs. Have a look.

Granted, I was a kid in those days, but I don't recall everyone having appalling taste back then. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have hundreds of postcards of '50s interiors that are just as bad or worse than these. (And frankly, I'd love to have a room decorated like any one of these today... wouldn't you?) Have fun!
PS - I think the freezing rain has stopped coming down for now. Let's hope.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Afton of Old

The trained buffalo eventually killed Larue, which probably didn't come as a shock to many people, since Olson always said you could train a buffalo but never tame it. My dear friend Betty Wheatley ran Dairy Ranch at Buffalo Ranch for 40+ years, and is a wealth of information and great stories about the tourist stop, one of the most famous on Route 66.
I have a lot more postcards that I could show here, but I'll save them for other icy days in the future.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tinker Tom and Leroy
It was another good day at Afton Station, with a total of 9 visitors on a gloomy, cloudy day. My first visitors were two 80+ year old friends from Missouri. Leroy is a retired school teacher and his friend Tom is blind. Since he was my first blind visitor to Afton Station, I was fascinated by his ability to "feel" a car's year and model. Amazing! I made a squashed penny for him and he was wonderfully thrilled to feel the pattern with his fingers. These two guys were intelligent, funny, and had some great stories to tell. They now hold a very high place on my Favorite Visitors list. Leroy, the sighted gentleman, has lived within a mile of Route 66 all his life and knows it like the back of his hand. He does a lot of solo travel with a tape recorder and has been all across Route 66 and to Alaska, camping by the side of the road most of the time. Every Sunday he and "Tinker" Tom take to the road and look for new and different places to explore. You could tell they were the best of friends. Tom and Leroy stayed for hours, alternating between sitting and talking and going to the car showroom for another dose of vintage beauty. I am now madly in love with two 80-year-old men! Visitors like these make it all SO worthwhile!
A family of five from Drexel, MO stopped on the way to visit family in Afton. The three little kids insisted on smashing some pennies. It's fun to see kids get a big kick out of that machine because, when you come right down to it, there's not much at the Station to appeal to kids. I need to think of some more kid-friendly attractions.
In December of '07 we had a devastating ice storm that completely paralyzed Tulsa and surrounding areas, permanently changing the landscape due to the vast number of fallen trees and leaving much of the city with no power for up to 10 days. I was lucky to never lose power, but I did have one "interesting" incident. I had just put the car in the garage (not an attached garage) to keep it from having trees fall on it. I was just getting out of the car when a very large tree fell across the garage door, trapping me in the garage. Fortunately, I had my cell phone, but I had no phone numbers programmed into it and the only number I had memorized was Ron's, all the way across town. I called him and he called my next door neighbor, who rounded up enough neighborhood men to come and trim and move the tree away from the door enough so that I could squeeze my way out. Kind of scary!
Why am I telling this story today? Because tomorrow we're expecting another bad ice storm, and I'm nervous. I can survive just fine, even without electricity, but I MUST get to my dialysis treatments, and my driveway is steep and pretty unnavigable (and unwalkable) with a coat of ice on it. So, I hope the weather prognosticators are wrong, wrong, WRONG this time!
Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm picking up Ron M. at the airport tonight after his 2 weeks in Southern California and a cruise to the Mexican Riviera. I hope he has a coat with him, because he's going to have a big shock when he walks out of the airport into our 20-degree air.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A little Afton Station -- A lot of other stuff

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New Yorker Magazine
I've read the New Yorker Magazine since I was a kid, and I've subscribed continuously since May of 1968. Since that time, I've saved every cover from every issue. I have also purchased some earlier covers in antique shops, Ebay, etc. I love the magazine dearly. I don't always have time to read every single article, but I never fail to check out all of the cartoons. The process by which the New Yorker selects weekly cartoons is complicated and precise. A panel looks at every cartoon submitted and then the group makes the selections based on a rating system. Nothing is chosen indiscriminately at the New Yorker, not even the cartoons.
Every once in a while, a cartoon makes me laugh out loud. It doesn't happen often. Generally I just smile or chuckle. But this one, from the current issue, cracks me up every time I see it. And since I have absolutely nothing else of consequence to talk about today, I want to share it with you. Does anyone else think it's as funny as I do?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President of the United States
Monday, January 19, 2009
My trip report
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunset Over Computer
Thursday, January 15, 2009
St. Louis bound

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Chetopa, Kansas