Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Warm Wishes

Back to the photo grab bag for this photo. I was looking for something Christmasy in Google Images and, having found nothing suitable for this blog, I remembered that in that big box under my desk (see yesterday's post) I had seen an envelope entitled Christmas, so I rummaged for that and found this picture of the kitchen in the Connecticut house where we lived from 1974 to 1993. It was the perfect Christmas house, built in 1705, low ceilings, huge fireplaces, every room warm and inviting. We raised our daughter there, and there were many happy Christmases within those walls. Wow, digging into that "some day" box is sure bringing back some memories!

All I want to do today is to impart my wish to each one of my readers for a most wonderful holiday, whatever you celebrate in this season of so many celebrations. May your celebration be filled with the warmth of memories and the hope of a bright future.



  1. I saw the picture and thought, "Wow, awesome fireplace," then saw that the house was built in 1705?!?! COOOOOL.

    This is when I always say (and Ken has heard this many times), "I wonder if it's haunted? I bet it's haunted." LOL

    Have a cool, ghoul-free Yule, Laurel!

    XO Beth

  2. A Blessed Christmas to you Laurel.

    And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!
