Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing says Christmas like frozen Rockettes

The Radio City Rockettes have a show scheduled here in Tulsa beginning soon, and they apparently sent a few of them ahead to do publicity. Meanwhile, our local Channel 2, KJRH TV, has an annual collection of food items and monetary donations for the Food Bank here. It's a drive-through affair, with no need to get out of the car to make a contribution. When I went today to make my yearly donation, a couple of frozen Rockettes were there, shivering and greeting folks. The temp was only in the low 30s, so it can't be a very desirable gig for a Rockette, but I guess it's one of those things you've gotta do if you want to progress through the hierarchy of dance and get a spot in the front row on stage. I made that up, of course. I have no idea how a Rockette gets chosen for the dubious job of shivering on a streetcorner in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or what rewards (monetary or otherwise) are bestowed upon her if she lives through the ordeal. Anyway, I got this photo of the two dancers, smiling and pretending they're actually enjoying themselves.
Ron M. went by about an hour later to give his contribution, and caught the "tail end" of the Rockettes as they were finally retreating into their stretch limo. At least you get to see their legs, always considered their best asset, in his picture.
I tried the reflection thing again at dialysis today, but this time with a tiny tripod balanced on my stomach as I lay in my recliner. It worked a lot better.Ok, folks, you will be glad to hear that I'll be in Afton both tomorrow and Sunday, so instead of enduring these little vignettes about my life, you'll be able to read about what you came here to read...... thoughts of a Route 66 business owner. At last!


  1. Tail end? You're too nice! Hmmm...I call my masterpiece and artistic photo: "Rockettes' Butts"...


  2. I dunno... do they let you say Rockettes' Butts" on Blogger? :-)

  3. Looks like Rockettes' Butts is legal on Blogger. LOL

    I would actually love to go to RCMH and see the Rockettes. Just seeing the building and sign was pretty cool--I bet the show is great, too!


  4. I am not sure that their legs are their best "asset" in that picture :o) Sorry, could not resist.

    I think it is very admirable that they tour and support such worthy causes.
