Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good morning!

My friends Jim Ross and Shellee Graham have just published a book of tear-out postcards called "Roadside USA: Route 66 and Beyond". I just placed an order for Afton Station, and can't wait to get my hands on a copy myself. For one thing, I'm a Route 66 postcard collector. But I'm most excited because Shellee is a world-class photographer and Jim is a renowned Route 66 historian and writer. This combo can't miss. They're a cute couple, too. ;-).

I'm headed to a Christmas brunch at a friend's house in a couple of hours. I look forward to Deanna's Christmas party each year because it always feels like my official intro to the holiday season. Furthermore, it's a bright crisp day today. Yes, it's the coldest morning of the year (according to the weather guy on the radio) but the sun is shining and, as I sit at my desk, I can see it gilding the buildings of downtown Tulsa. It's always such a pretty sight.


  1. Wow, you know Shellee Graham? I have her book of Coral Court photos, and they ARE fabulous. I look at them and wonder what it was like in its heyday--I think it was one of the more unique and beautiful places built on the Road. It's horrible that they tore it down, but I've seen the restored unit at the Transportation Museum in St. Louis.

    Stay warm!
    Hugs, Beth

  2. Sweet Saturnalia and warmest Winter Solstice!

  3. A Blessed Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you Laurel.

    I like to collect brochures from the places I've visited. Yes, I do have one from your place, too.
